Daily Dozen

Grades 1,2. These popular workbooks focus on the BONDS – vital to learn before beginning on tables. Book 1 covers the number range up to 10; book 2, the number range 10 – 20 and book 3 revises all the bonds from 1-20. Number line provided on each page.

Daily Score

Grades 3-5. The next step up from the Daily Score, these not only contain BONDS but TABLES, too. Book 1: the tables 2, 3, 4, 5, 10. Book 2: the tables 6, 7, 8, 9. Book 3: All the tables.


G5-7. A vital part of your maths syllabus – plenty of practice exercises.




G4-7. This section is vital – many problems in high school can be traced back to the incorrect introduction and poor knowledge of fractions. The ANT BOOKS provide plenty of practice.

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Maths homework

G4-7. 2 workbooks per grade, allowing for 2 exercises per week for the whole year. A lovely mix covering the whole syllabus: each page covers either bonds or tables; one of the 4 operations; maths concepts; story sums and an extension exercise.

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G3-7. Repetitive exercises in length, mass, capacity, money, time, shape.

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Mental maths

G1-3. 2 workbooks for grade 1 and 1 ea for grades 2 and 3: a mix of maths concepts on every page.

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Mixed Bag

G1-7. Our all-time favourite maths workbook. Each page contains a mix of maths relating to the syllabus, ensuring that all concepts are kept ‘warm on the back burner’, no matter what section you are covering at the present time. Great for diagnostic testing: can your child get full marks for a page from the year before? If not, revision needed!

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G3/4. Originally designed for grade 3, if you grade 3 child finds it a little challenging, try again in grade 4. A variety of exercises.


Money and Time

G4. A section on ‘Money’ and ‘Time’ on every page, with a variety of exercises




G0/1. Book 1 covers the number range 0-5 and book 2 covers the number range 6-10.




G1-7. Another all-time favourite. A variety of story sums covering the syllabus. Designed to be worked through in pairs or groups, rather than in a ‘test’ situation – to build confidence.

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