
The workbooks that work!

English, Afrikaans and maths material for the primary school child.




About Ant Books

For 15+ years we have been providing teachers, both in schools and in homes, with quality, 'teacher friendly' and reasonably-priced material in English, Afrikaans and maths.

All the Ant Books are based on the government curriculum (an advantage should a home-schooled child return to a school) and ensure a comprehensive coverage of all aspects of the subjects. Susan Parfitt developed the Ant Books. A primary school teacher, she recognised the need for material in the primary school and started writing a few books. She is still writing...providing material for teachers and parents as they require it.

The Ant Books are popular for many reasons, most importantly because they are designed to TEACH, not just test, or 'keep children busy'. Ant Books has developed a curriculum for home-schoolers - based on demand from parents - and their children - who have come to love and depend upon the Ant Books as their core programme. And if you're looking for still can't beat our Programme!